Eye Exams Could be Used to Identify Kidney Failure Risk


Dec 21, 2022

Eye Exams Could be Used to Identify Kidney Failure Risk

Eye Exams Could be Used to Identify Kidney Failure Risk

A recent study published in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases found that retinal age, a measure of overall aging, could be used as a non-invasive way to predict the risk of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Retinal imaging, which can be repeatedly and longitudinally assessed, has the potential to accurately monitor chronic kidney disease (CKD) and even predict mortality.

"Retinal imaging is highly amendable to repeated and longitudinal assessments, facilitating long-term monitoring for chronic kidney disease [CKD], which, coupled with the potential of retinal age being a predictor of mortality, could help clinicians to estimate the rate and path of progression of CKD/ESKD more accurately," - Shiran Zhang, MD

Previous research by one of the study's authors, Mingguang He, and colleagues demonstrated that the retinal age gap (the difference between a person's chronological age and their retinal age determined by a deep-learning system) can predict an individual's true biological aging and even neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's. This current study aimed to determine the potential relationship between the retinal age gap and later kidney failure.

The study included data on over 35,000 participants in the UK Biobank Study with retinal images and no ESKD at the start. With a median follow-up of 11 years, 115 (0.32%) of the participants developed ESKD, and each 1-year increase in the retinal age gap was found to be independently associated with a 10% increase in the risk of incident ESKD. When participants were divided into quartiles, those in the highest group (fourth quartile) had more than double the risk of developing ESKD compared to those in the first quartile. This higher risk was more pronounced in females than males.

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About the Author

Rich Foreman brings over 30 years of technology leadership to his role of CEO and Co-Founder of KidneySoft.  As founding CTO, Rich led the team that developed the CordicoShield / CordicoFire Wellness App. Cordico was honored with the Sacramento Innovation Award in 2021. After achieving a 7 digit ARR, Cordico was acquired by Lexipol in 2020. Rich has a BS in Industrial Engineering from the University of Washington, an MPA from Troy State University and was an officer in the U.S. Navy. Rich co-authored his book, "Tap into the Mobile Economy." Rich's blog was listed in Top 20 Marketing Mobile Blogs of 2014. He has been featured on KCRA3, NEWS10, 1170 Tech AM PowerDrive, Business Radio Money 105.5, SiliconIndia, the Sacramento Business Journal, and the Sacramento Bee. Rich is also the Founding Director of the Sacramento Chapter of Startup Grind and served a term as Utility Commissioner for the City of Folsom. Rich is a regular contributor to TechWire.net and StartupSac. Rich was the Co-founder of Apptology which was named Small Business of the Year in 2014 by the Sacramento Asian Pacific Chamber. He was also the Founding Chief Technology Officer at Cordico. Cordico was acquired by Lexipol in 2020.  Rich also served 4 years as a Naval Officer in the Civil Engineer Corps.

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