H.R.5426-Improving Access to Home Dialysis Act: A Bipartisan Bill


Feb 10, 2023

H.R.5426-Improving Access to Home Dialysis Act: A Bipartisan Bill

Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Home Dialysis Access


Representatives Bobby L. Rush (D-Ill.) and Jason Smith (R-Mo.) have introduced H.R.5426, a bipartisan legislation, aimed at expanding access to home dialysis for kidney patients. This bill will allow Medicare to pay professional staff to assist patients in learning how to properly perform home dialysis in their own homes, which is often more flexible and leads to better health outcomes than in-center dialysis.

Current State of Home Dialysis in the US

Currently, only 12% of dialyzers in the US use home dialysis, lagging behind other countries such as Hong Kong (82%), the Jalisco region of Mexico (51%), and New Zealand (30%). Home dialysis, including peritoneal and home hemodialysis, is under-utilized in the US, particularly among historically disadvantaged groups.

What the New Bill Does

The new bill includes several provisions aimed at improving access to home dialysis, including:

  1. Reimbursement through Medicare for in-home assistance by dialysis facility staff for the first 90 days of treatment.
  2. In-home respite staff assistance under certain circumstances outside the initial 90 days.
  3. Continuous staff assistance without a time limit for patients with certain disabilities.
  4. Expansion of healthcare professionals who can provide home dialysis training.
  5. Additional educational opportunities for patients to learn about all dialysis options, including group settings or telehealth.
  6. Training on home dialysis to occur in the patient's intended location.
"Home dialysis is a better treatment option than in-center dialysis for many kidney patients — it is far more flexible and can lead to better health outcomes and quality of life. However, I am concerned by data showing that Black Americans are significantly less likely to be treated with home dialysis than their white counterparts. The Improving Access to Home Dialysis Act will expand access to home dialysis and ensure that kidney patients are educated about the full range of treatment options available to them early on in their treatment process. It will also track racial disparities in the utilization of home dialysis and patient quality of life." - Rep. Bobby L. Rush

Importance of the Bill

This bill is a crucial step in addressing the disparities in access to home dialysis in the US and ensuring that all kidney patients have the opportunity to choose the best treatment option for their needs. By expanding the types of healthcare professionals who can provide home dialysis training and providing additional educational opportunities, patients will be better informed about their options and able to make informed decisions about their care.

The bill's provisions for in-home assistance and respite staff support will also help ensure that patients are able to successfully transition to home dialysis and maintain their health. And by tracking racial disparities in the utilization of home dialysis and patient quality of life, the bill will help address the systemic issues that contribute to these disparities and improve care for all kidney patients.


This is a video from the National Kidney Foundation that supports this bill.

Voice Your Support

To support this bill, you can find your local Representative here. Call their office and tell them you support H.R.5426 - Improving Access to Home Dialysis Act of 2021.

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H.R.5426 - Improving Access to Home Dialysis Act of 2021

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National Kidney Foundation

About the Author

Rich Foreman brings over 30 years of technology leadership to his role of CEO and Co-Founder of KidneySoft.  As founding CTO, Rich led the team that developed the CordicoShield / CordicoFire Wellness App. Cordico was honored with the Sacramento Innovation Award in 2021. After achieving a 7 digit ARR, Cordico was acquired by Lexipol in 2020. Rich has a BS in Industrial Engineering from the University of Washington, an MPA from Troy State University and was an officer in the U.S. Navy. Rich co-authored his book, "Tap into the Mobile Economy." Rich's blog was listed in Top 20 Marketing Mobile Blogs of 2014. He has been featured on KCRA3, NEWS10, 1170 Tech AM PowerDrive, Business Radio Money 105.5, SiliconIndia, the Sacramento Business Journal, and the Sacramento Bee. Rich is also the Founding Director of the Sacramento Chapter of Startup Grind and served a term as Utility Commissioner for the City of Folsom. Rich is a regular contributor to TechWire.net and StartupSac. Rich was the Co-founder of Apptology which was named Small Business of the Year in 2014 by the Sacramento Asian Pacific Chamber. He was also the Founding Chief Technology Officer at Cordico. Cordico was acquired by Lexipol in 2020.  Rich also served 4 years as a Naval Officer in the Civil Engineer Corps.

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