Heat Wave Increases Lead to Rise in Kidney Patient Visits to ER


Jan 9, 2023

Heat Wave Increases Lead to Rise in Kidney Patient Visits to ER

Heat Wave Increases Lead to Rise in Kidney Patient Visits to ER

A new study in the American Journal of Kidney Disease (AJKD), and recently published by the National Kidney Foundation (NFK) has found that climate caused heat waves is responsible for increasing the number of kidney patient visits to the Emergency Room (ER).  According to the study, researchers have found that exposure to extreme heat was significantly associated with an increase in kidney disease related emergency department (ED) visits.  

The Study

The study, Associations Between Ambient Extreme Heat Exposure and Emergency Department Visits Related to Kidney Disease,  tracked more than 1 million kidney disease related emergency department visits in the state of New York between 2005-2013. Researchers then cross-referenced the information on emergency department visits with data on daily temperature.  Specifically, looking at days just prior to the emergency department visits where daily temperatures exceeded the 90th percentile of high temperatures. 


Researchers said that the study showed that days with extreme heat were associated with an overall higher incidence (1.7% to 3.1%) of emergency department visits related to kidney disease.  Researchers also noted that age and gender may modify numbers when looking at association between extreme heat and emergency department visits.  Those factors were not included in the research data.  

“Given the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme heat in weather patterns due to climate change and the growing prevalence of kidney disease worldwide,  it is imperative to understand the association between extreme heat exposure and the various subtypes of kidney disease. Our findings underscore the alarming impact of ambient heat (heat stored and coming from the ground)  on ED visits of kidney diseases, especially the stronger impacts of heat in May and September, in addition to summer.  Early warning, reducing outdoor exercise/activities, and staying cool during extremely hot weather is important.”   - Shao Lin, MD,PhD, corresponding researcher from the State University of New York at Albany. 

Yanji Qu, MD, PhD, of the State University of New York at Albany and lead author of the study added:

“This study also highlights the need for improved physicians’ awareness , clinical facility preparedness, and patient education to respond to the anticipated rise of multiple kidney diseases as the result of climate change, especially among the vulnerable older adults and male patients"

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says that the Earth’s temperature has risen each decade since 1880, but from 1981 forward the rate of warming has doubled. NOAA also claims that 2021 was the sixth warmest year on record, and says 2013-2021 are nine of the ten warmest years on record.  Last year heat related deaths exceeded both 10- year and 30-year averages in the United States. 

“Although this study did not evaluate interventions, the findings suggest that limiting extreme heat exposure may protect kidney health, specifically, potentially reducing emergency visits for acute kidney injury, kidney stones, and urinary tract infections: Climate change awareness may make kidney protective education to limit extreme heat exposure become as routine as blood pressure and diabetes control, healthy diet, and medication management.””  said Joseph Vassalotti, MD, Chief Medical Officer for the National Kidney Foundation. 


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About the Author

Monica Thomas

Monica McCarthy has bachelors in Political Science and Criminal Justice from Central Washington University.  A majority of her career was spent as a political consultant.   She currently works at KidneyLuv as a staff writer.

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